Platform code 4900873 Platform name APEX Profiling Float Description Argo Canada Ascending Profiling Time 6 Calib Rt Coefficient a1=1, a0=0.0004 Calib Rt Comment Real-time salinity adjustment Calib Rt Date 20110618000000 Calib Rt Equation PSAL_ADJUSTED = a1 * PSAL + a0 Calib Rt Parameter PSAL Cycle Time 240 Data Centre ME Deepest Pressure 2000 Deploy Platform HMCS Vancouver Descending Profiling Time 10 Direction A End Mission Date 15/08/2012 09:00:00 End Mission Status T Inst Reference 2686 LABEL EN OPTODE_DOXY LABEL EN CTD_PRES LABEL EN CTD_TEMP LABEL EN CTD_CNDC LABEL EN FLOAT Launch Qc 1 Parameter PSAL Parameter DOXY Parameter PRES Parameter TEMP Parameter Accuracy 0.002 psu Parameter Accuracy 8 micromole/l or 5% Parameter Accuracy 0.002 degree_Celsius Parameter Accuracy 2 dbars Parameter Resolution 1 micromole/l Parameter Resolution 0.001 psu Parameter Resolution 0.001 degree_Celsius Parameter Resolution 0.1 dbars Parameter Units degree_Celsius Parameter Units psu Parameter Units micromole/kg Parameter Units dbars Parking Pressure 1000 Parking Time 219 Pi Name Denis Gilbert Platform Maker TWR Platform Model APEX-SBE Positioning System ARGOS Pr Experiment Id Argo Canada Pr Launch Datetime 04/08/2006 04:06:00 Pr Launch Latitude 38.5 Pr Launch Longitude -145.4 Pr Probe Code 846 Predeployment Calib Coefficient Sref=35.0,Spreset=0,Pcoef2=0.0025,Pcoef3=0.0328,B0=-6.24523e-3,B1 = -7.37614e-3, B2 = -1.03410e-2, B3 = -8.17083e-3, C0 = -4.88682e-7,D0 = 24.4543, D1 = -67.4509, D2 = -4.8489, D3 = -5.44e-4, Predeployment Calib Coefficient none Predeployment Calib Coefficient none Predeployment Calib Coefficient none Predeployment Calib Comment see TD218 operating manual oxygen optode 3830, 3835, 3930, 3975, 4130, 4175; see Processing Argo OXYGEN data at the DAC level, Version 2.2 (DOI: Predeployment Calib Comment none Predeployment Calib Comment none Predeployment Calib Comment none Predeployment Calib Equation O2=MOLAR_DOXY*Scorr*Pcorr; Scorr=A*exp[(PSAL-Sref)*(B0+B1*Ts+B2*Ts^2+B3*Ts^3)+C0*(PSAL^2-Sref^2)]; A=[(1013.25-pH2O(TEMP,Spreset))/(1013.25-pH2O(TEMP,PSAL))]; pH2O(TEMP,S)=1013.25*exp[D0+D1*(100/(TEMP+273.15))+D2*ln((TEMP+273.15)/100)+D3*S]; Pcorr=1+((Pcoe Predeployment Calib Equation none Predeployment Calib Equation none Predeployment Calib Equation none Project Name Argo Canada Ptt 062959 Repetition Rate 1 Sensor OPTODE_DOXY Sensor CTD_TEMP Sensor CTD_PRES Sensor CTD_CNDC Sensor Maker SBE Sensor Maker SBE Sensor Maker SBE Sensor Maker AANDERAA Sensor Model SBE41 Sensor Model SBE41 Sensor Model SBE41 Sensor Model AANDERAA_OPTODE_3830 Sensor Serial No 2804 Sensor Serial No 662 Sensor Serial No 2804 Sensor Serial No 2804 Sensor Units micromole/kg Sensor Units dbars Sensor Units degree_Celsius Sensor Units psu Start Date 04/08/2006 10:06:00 Start Date Qc 1 Surface Time 9 Trans Frequency 1300000 Trans Repetition 16 Trans System ARGOS Trans System Id 02442 Eulerian networks MyOcean eulerian platforms Available data From 03/08/2006 to 25/11/2011 Selected data Filters Good measures only Physical parameters only One color by quality code One color by immersion level Download time series To download data, please login here Download vertical profiles To download data, please login here Physical parameters No valid measure for this period Waterfall profiles