Platform code6100002
Platform nameLion
DescriptionBouée météorologique Lion et ligne de mouillage Lion/MOOSE
Mooring NameLion - Bouée Météo
Mooring NameLion - Ligne de mouillage MOOSE
Nominal Latitude42.0392
Nominal Longitude4.68283
Pi NameOcean data : Xavier Durrieu de Madron
Platform Oceansites Code6100002
Platform Wmo Code61002
Platform Wmo Code6100002
Eulerian networksBouées météo
Available dataFrom 06/12/2001 to 05/10/2024
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Physical parameters Depth, Sea temperature, Atmospheric pressure at sea level, Horizontal wind speed, Wind from direction relative true north, Air temperature in dry bulb, Average height highest 1/3 wave (H1/3), Maximum zero crossing wave height (Hmax), Wave period at spectral peak / peak period (Tp), Average period highest 1/3 wave (T1/3), Wave direction rel. true north

Sea temperature

Atmospheric pressure at sea level

Horizontal wind speed

Wind from direction relative true north

Air temperature in dry bulb

Average height highest 1/3 wave (H1/3)

Maximum zero crossing wave height (Hmax)

Wave period at spectral peak / peak period (Tp)

Average period highest 1/3 wave (T1/3)

Wave direction rel. true north