Platform code6202401
Platform namePraia de Vitoria
DescriptionSwell buoy, Azores islands
Nominal Latitude38.7506666666667
Nominal Longitude-27.01
Eulerian networksClimaat
Available dataFrom 03/05/2012 to 30/03/2025
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Physical parameters Depth, Sea temperature, Average height highest 1/3 wave (H1/3), Maximum zero crossing wave height (Hmax), Average zero crossing wave period (Tz), Maximum wave period (Tmax), Period of the highest wave (Thmax), Wave direction rel. true north

Sea temperature

Average height highest 1/3 wave (H1/3)

Maximum zero crossing wave height (Hmax)

Average zero crossing wave period (Tz)

Maximum wave period (Tmax)

Period of the highest wave (Thmax)

Wave direction rel. true north