Platform code | 5901259 |
Platform name | SOLO Profiling Float |
Description | Argo SIO |
Ascending Profiling Time | 13.085 |
Calib Rt Coefficient | a1=1, a0=0.0010 |
Calib Rt Comment | Real-time salinity adjustment |
Calib Rt Date | 20140729173055 |
Calib Rt Equation | PSAL_ADJUSTED = a1 * PSAL + a0 |
Calib Rt Parameter | PSAL |
Clock Drift | 0 |
Cycle Time | 236.299 |
Data Centre | AO |
Deepest Pressure | 1836 |
Deploy Mission | KAH-leg14 |
Deploy Platform | R/V Kaharoa |
Descending Profiling Time | 8.585 |
Direction | A |
End Mission Date | 30/08/2012 11:30:08 |
End Mission Status | T |
Inst Reference | 2571 |
Launch Qc | 1 |
Parameter | PRES |
Parameter | PSAL |
Parameter | TEMP |
Parameter Accuracy | 0.002 degC |
Parameter Accuracy | 0.002 psu |
Parameter Accuracy | 1.5% |
Parameter Resolution | 0.0001 psu |
Parameter Resolution | 0.0001 degC |
Parameter Resolution | 0.01 dbar |
Parameter Units | degC (ITS-90) |
Parameter Units | psu |
Parameter Units | dbar |
Parking Pressure | 1000 |
Parking Time | 200.666 |
Platform Maker | SIO_IDG |
Platform Model | SOLO_SBE |
Positioning System | ARGOS |
Pr Experiment Id | US ARGO PROJECT |
Pr Launch Datetime | 28/10/2006 11:56:01 |
Pr Launch Latitude | -35.001 |
Pr Launch Longitude | 98.006 |
Pr Probe Code | 851 |
Predeployment Calib Coefficient | G = -1.032368E+00 H = 1.373663E-01 I = -3.655453E-04 J = 4.434225E-05 CPCOR = -9.570001E-08 CTCOR = 3.250000E-06 WBOTC = -1.819091E-07 |
Predeployment Calib Coefficient | PA0 = -2.234181E-01 PA1 = 1.404758E-01 PA2 = -3.256105E-08 PTCA0 = -1.231426E+02 PTCA1 = -1.093475E-02 PTCA2 = -3.020495E-03 PTCB0 = 2.449350E+01 PTCB1 = -3.000000E-04 PTCB2 = 0.000000E+00 PTHA0 = -7.426143E+01 PTHA1 = 5.021928E-02 PTHA2 = -4.305575E-07 PO |
Predeployment Calib Coefficient | TA0 = -6.001472E-05 TA1 = 2.806209E-04 TA2 = -2.659293E-06 TA3 = 1.649371E-07 |
Predeployment Calib Comment | Conductivity Calibration Date 08 05 2006 |
Predeployment Calib Comment | Temperature Calibration Date 08 05 2006 |
Predeployment Calib Comment | Pressure Calibration Date 08 05 2006 |
Predeployment Calib Equation | y=thermistor output;t=PTHA0+PTHA1*y+PTHA2*y^2;x=pressure output-PTCA0-PTCA1*t-PTCA2*t^2;n=x*PTCB0/(PTCB0+PTCB1*t+PTCB2*t^2);pressure(psia)=PA0+PA1*n+PA2*n^2; |
Predeployment Calib Equation | Temperature (ITS-90) = 1/{a0+a1[ln(n)]+a2[ln^2(n)]+a3[ln^3(n)]}-273.15 (oC); |
Predeployment Calib Equation | f=INST_FREQ*sqrt(1.0+wBOTC*t)/1000.0;Conductivity=(g+h*f^2+i*f^3+j*f^4)/(1+delta*t+epsilon*p) Siemens/meter;t=temperature[degC];p=pressure[dbar];delta=CTcor;epsilon=CPcor; |
Project Name | US ARGO PROJECT |
Ptt | 58938 |
Repetition Rate | 1 |
Sensor | CTD_TEMP |
Sensor | CTD_PRES |
Sensor | CTD_CNDC |
Sensor Maker | SBE |
Sensor Maker | DRUCK |
Sensor Maker | SBE |
Sensor Model | SBE41CP_V1.8 |
Sensor Model | SBE41CP_V1.8 |
Sensor Model | DRUCK_2900PSIA |
Sensor Serial No | 8902 |
Sensor Serial No | 1362 |
Sensor Serial No | 1362 |
Sensor Units | decibar |
Sensor Units | degree_Celsius |
Sensor Units | mS/cm |
Start Date Qc | 9 |
Surface Time | 14 |
Trans Frequency | 1/37 |
Trans Repetition | 37 |
Trans System | ARGOS |
Trans System Id | 14281 |
Eulerian networks | MyOcean eulerian platforms |
Available data | From 27/10/2006 to 29/08/2012 |
Selected data | |
Filters | |
Download time series | To download data, please login here |
Download vertical profiles | To download data, please login here |
Physical parameters | No valid measure for this period |
Waterfall profiles |