Platform code6200253
Platform namePort Antifer
DescriptionBouée de houle Port Antifer du réseau Cerema-Candhis
Institution(s)Centre for Studies on Risks, Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning - Technical directorate Risks, waters and sea (Plouzane) | Le Havre Large Seaport |
Data CentreIF
Nominal Latitude49.657567
Nominal Longitude0.145583
Platform External Code07610
Eulerian networksCandhis
Available dataFrom 29/03/2023 to 30/03/2025
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Physical parameters Depth, Spectral significant wave height (Hm0), Average height highest 1/3 wave (H1/3), Maximum zero crossing wave height (Hmax), Spectral moments (0,2) wave period (Tm02), Wave period at spectral peak / peak period (Tp), Average period highest 1/3 wave (T1/3), Wave spectrum peak energy (Smax)

Spectral significant wave height (Hm0)

Average height highest 1/3 wave (H1/3)

Maximum zero crossing wave height (Hmax)

Spectral moments (0,2) wave period (Tm02)

Wave period at spectral peak / peak period (Tp)

Average period highest 1/3 wave (T1/3)

Wave spectrum peak energy (Smax)